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The Path Untraveled

I look down at the mountains of the earth and I trace beige tracks among a foliage of green. Are they really tracks I think as I observe the meandering lines not following any specific pattern according to the shape of the mountains. It is possible in the thousands of years in human reign that the desolate land once had to be navigated by something other than air plane, but I can't help but wonder, who before me has made this journey and why? Moving to new lands is an arduous let alone emotional and difficult transition transpiring into metaphysical displacement. But then again who am I to question the motives of others? Let alone those hundreds of years before me? Surely the wisdom of man was greater back then. Time slowly walks by above the cloud banks and a different mineral comes into view. So white so, blue where does it end? Where does it begin? Endless thoughts array and display and I begin to think that it is unnatural for man to be able to accomplish such feats in the sky. It increases the limit of man and removes the glory of God. And yet, I can't help but feel closer to Him here, in this quiet place, this place where airplane mode should be status of every day life.

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